Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Lots of Pictures...too many to choose from

I have been taking a lot of pictures lately and haven't been
able to post them for a while, so this post is a little long. But I
wanted to share them all. So here is the few but many that
I chose to share. Enjoy

Keely started eating fruits and veggies and here are
some of the faces that she did while trying out these
yummy foods.


Sweet Potatoes

Before Peas

After Peas..this one took awhile to eat.

I loved this picture, it looks like she is saying that
she conquered the peas with her spoon. Yeah Keely!

Playing outside, the weather was pretty good this day. Tarek laid
Keely in the grass, to see what she would do. She took a
handful of grass and held onto it until she was picked up. Dallin was
also given a "job" to pick weeds. He is earning money to get a
swimming pool, so he likes to ask for jobs to do so he can get more
pennies to add to the "Potty for Pennies" bucket.

Dallin doing some workbook pages for the color red.
I have started doing a preschool workbook with him to
see where he is at in knowing Alphabets, numbers, colors,
tracing and opposites. Also these two pictures were supposed
to be after his hair cut pics that are below. OOPS!

The kids are all ready for MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers)

I decided to try on Keely's Blessing outfit again. She was
blessed months ago but the bonnet was way to big for her head
so I dressed her up and got some shots of her. I think the
bonnet is still to big.

Dallin finally got a hair cut. Since it is starting to get hot here
I decided that I would cut it really short so he will be cooler
when he plays outside. Dallin is not a fan of getting his hair
cut. He says that the hair clippers tickle him.

Dallin was playing in the drive way with a remote control car
and Keely was sitting in her stroller watching Dallin. I just love the
picture of her watching him. So content.

Keely has pretty much gotten to the point where she can sit
in the bumbo seat. She will sit there for a few minutes playing
with a toy and then is ready to get out. She is a very squirmy

Friday, April 17, 2009

They grow up so fast

Keely had her 4 month check up on Tuesday. She is a growing girl. She now weighs in at 13 lbs 8 oz. And is 24 inches long. She got her shots that day too, and she was not a happy camper for 2 days. The doctor said that she is doing great and growing well. I can't believe that they are growing so fast. Keely being 4 months already and Dallin is 3. Time just flies on by.
I love every minute that I get to see them grow and progress.

Terrific Turtles

Thursday was the Preschool Class at the Zoo. It was Terrific Turtles Day.
Dallin loved the turtles, he had to make sure that he could see them.
They also brought in some Ocelot cats that were about 7 weeks old
and they are trying to get them used to people so they let the kids see them.
If you can't tell Dallin is the one with the bright blue and white striped shirt.

Keely's New Dress

I bought this dress for Keely before Easter. I found it on sale at
Dillards. So I had to take some pictures of her in it.

It's Potty Time

Well Monday I came home from MOPS and while Dallin was taking a nap, I decided I was going to put big boy underwear on Dallin and try to start potty training him.
So he woke up and I took his diaper off and tried to put the underwear on, and that boy stood there naked for 10 minutes pleading with me not to put them on. I was determined to get this going, so I held him down and put them on him. All while he is screaming and crying. I did get them on him and he continued to cry in his bed for a bit. I left him alone until he stopped crying, and then decided to check on him. I explained that he had underwear on and that he needed to tell me when he had to go potty. Because we don't pee in our underwear. And if he went pee in the potty then he would get a penny to put in his jar. (I got that idea from Diana, thanks)
He has been wearing the underwear during the day ever since. He has done great. Only two small accidents, which he realized what was happening and finished on the potty. We even made it through Walmart and a doctors appointment with no accidents. If I'd known it was going to be this easy I would have started months ago. That was the last "baby"thing we needed to get rid off. Diapers....he still wears them to sleep though.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter 2009

Happy Easter to All!
We had a great Easter. On Good Friday we
took the kids to see the Easter Bunny at
Walmart, it wasn't the best looking bunny. But
it was free. Then we decided that we would easter
baskets and egg hunts on Saturday. So everything
was laid out for their baskets on Friday night. Tarek
also decided to hide the eggs that night as well, so he
wouldn't have to hide them early the next morning.
So Dallin got up around 7am to see what the Easter
bunny brought, then headed outside to find those eggs.
But when we got outside the first egg Dallin found on
the ground was open and the candy had been eaten, the
paper was shredded. Some animal, we believe a raccoon ate
the candy out of 5 eggs. Funny thing is that the animal opened
some of the money eggs and left the money on the ground, and
it was still there when we went out side. That's kinda amazing
seeing how we live in the windiest part of Texas. Dallin
still had fun finding all the other eggs.

Keely slept through the whole event.

Can you find the egg? It took Dallin a few minutes to
find this one. .

Keely is kissing on her new baby doll.

Young Women Sleep Over

I am currently in the Young Womens program, which I
am really excited about. This past weekend we had a
sleepover. I stayed until 1am due to me having Keely
at home. But it was a lot of fun watching the girls
sing and dance. And listening to all the interesting
things that they had to say.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

It's Cereal Time

Well today was the day that we tried baby cereal with Keely.
She will be 4 months tomorrow so I thought I would try it
to see if she liked it. The first bite she was like what is in my
mouth. But after getting all her giggles out, she chowed
down like she had been eating this stuff for a while. She
did keep trying to suck on her thumb while I was feeding
her. But she finished the whole bowl that I made. She was
quite a mess when all finished so into the tub she went, the
hairdo is the aftermath of the tub. After her bath I handed
her off to Daddy and gave Dallin a bath. Tarek asked me to
come see Keely and she had fallen asleep while playing on
her toy mat. Just too cute.